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"Bits and Pieces of This and That" by Jennifer Hart. 8" x 9". Made from a walnut substrate, mortar, hardware, and glass.  Bits and Pieces remind me of a needlepoint sampler. There are blocks of zipper pulls, screws, washers, nuts, small wall heater ceramic insulators, glass tiles, broken china, a metal motorcycle keychain, and other miscellaneous bits and pieces. It is fun to look at and notice all the different bits and pieces. I have been using 1" thick walnut wood scrap as one of my substrates for several years. This wood is not necessarily square or even and it may have pencil or paint marks or some remaining bark, this all adds to the character of the piece.   Any special care instructions: interior use only.


Jennifer Hart

 I embrace reduce/reuse/recycle/repurpose in my personal life and my artwork. I want to see and use things in a new way. Scrap wood with its knots, nail holes, bark, old paint and myriad of imperfections are a true treasure not to be tossed aside. Old cabinet doors are a perfect slate and as an added bonus their angles are usually pretty square. One of my most recent finds was a Made in Oregon cutting board with all its knife marks and faded logo. I had to have it and immediately used it for my piece Soft Pink. I love the hunt and scraping the bottom of the bin or bucket for that interesting piece of metal of which I have no idea of its original purpose, but I see shape, texture, color and possibility. Miscellaneous metal, rusty old hardware, nuts, bolts, chains, wire, hinges, deadbolts, screws, nails, and washers, Oh my! And then there is glass, pottery, tile, china, beads, bobbles, old jewelry. The possibilities are endless and every piece is unique.

Bits and Pieces of This and That

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