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People's Choice Winner: Marc McVey

Marc McVey is an artist whose work spans digital and film photography. Although his medium has largely stayed the same throughout his career, he regularly introduces many different techniques in pursuit of the perfect image. Marc is based in the Pacific Northwest but often travels for his photography; he is especially fond of Paris, France.

Hello, I Love You: Marc's Award-Winning Photograph

Marc is a recent recipient of the MAA People's Choice Award at the Cave Art Show for his photograph titled Hello, I Love You. It is a black-and-white composition of two people standing on the sidewalk, facing away from the photographer, with a sign over their heads that reads HELLO, I LOVE YOU, CAN YOU TELL ME YOUR NAME? The figures stand in dramatic shadows cast by the building before them.

It's a beautiful photo that, although representational, contains mysterious and poetic qualities. These kinds of moments fill Marc's extensive portfolio; with each one, one can sense his precision and careful eye. Each press of the shutter button is a moment of pure joy for Marc.

More About Marc's Practice

Marc believes any image he takes represents, at a certain moment, where he is as an artist and where he hopes to be in the future. Although he continues to grow in his practice, he always looks fondly back at earlier photographs.

Here is an excerpt from Marc's artist statement:

"I enjoy creating images that represent both the "found" as well as the "created" image, seeking contrasts and connection between people or objects found in images. My goal with my work is to create an image that makes you pause, even for a moment, and make your own story as to its meaning."

Like many artists, Marc struggles to title his work—he doesn't want to influence the viewer through titles. Additionally, he realizes he likely won't be present when someone views his work and therefore can't share what he was thinking when he took the photograph. The image either touches them for a moment or doesn't; he believes both responses are correct.

Marc describes his process as one that develops slowly. He likes to let his images "rest" for a while, sometimes waiting many months before completing his review and selection process. Typically, classical music plays in the background during his review sessions, and he is never editing more than six images at a time.

Marc's professional photography career gives him extensive opportunities to travel. So far, he's been to over 50 countries and always ends up in museums and galleries wherever he is. Oftentimes, his travels result in photographs that highlight beautiful architectural scenes, subtle moments in nature, and curious tidbits of everyday life.

He credits great photography mentors for instilling a desire in him to improve his images by looking at the work of other photographers. Additionally, he says he is lucky to be married to an abstract painter Barbara McVey, whose strong sense of color has helped him in his work.

Explore More of Marc McVey's Work Online

Congratulations to Marc for winning the People's Choice Award for Hello, I Love You. If you want to explore more of his work, you can browse his Instagram, @myphotographysofar, or his Facebook Page: Marc McVey.

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